A high resolution declassified spy satellite image from September 1984 showing the area around San Jose, Santa Clara, Mountain View, including NASA's Ames Research Center and Moffat Field.
A high resolution declassified spy satellite image from September 1964 showing the area around San Jose, Santa Clara, Mountain View, including NASA's Ames Research Center and Moffat Field.
A high resolution optical satellite image showing NASA's Space Launch System (SLS) on the pad at LC-39B. | SpaceFromSpace
A high resolution Umbra synthetic aperture radar satellite image of SpaceX's Roberts Road facility at NASA's KSC. | SpaceFromSpace
False colour aerial imagery of NASA's Stennis Space Center.
A very high resolution synthetic aperture radar satellite image of NASA's Stennis Space Center. | SpaceFromSpace
A very high resolution optical satellite image of SLS on Launch Complex 39B ahead of the Artemis 1 mission. | SpaceFromSpace
A very unique high off-nadir declassified KH-9 HEXAGON spy satellite image of Florida's Space Coast captured on July 21, 1978
A high resolution satellite image of NASA's Stennis Space Center taken on September 28, 2024 | SpaceFromSpace
A high resolution declassified KH-9 spy satellite image of NASA's Marshall Spaceflight Center in Huntsville Alabama.
A very high resolution optical satellite image of Launch Complex 39A from January 2022 | SpaceFromSpace
A high resolution declassified KH-9 spy satellite image of NASA's Stennis Space Center that was taken in 1972.
A very high resolution optical satellite image of Launch Complex 39A from January 2023 | SpaceFromSpace
A high resolution Umbra synthetic aperture radar satellite image of Ellington Field in Houston. | SpaceFromSpace
A very high resolution optical satellite image of Launch Complex 39A from November 2022 | SpaceFromSpace
A very high resolution optical satellite image of Launch Complex 39A from January 4, 2025 | SpaceFromSpace
A high resolution declassified KH-9 spy satellite image of Wallops Island Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport from August 1972.
Aerial imagery of Cape Canaveral in 1969
A very high resolution optical satellite image of Kennedy Space Center from January 1, 2025 | SpaceFromSpace
A high resolution Umbra synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite image of Launch Complex 39 at Kennedy Space Center that was taken on August 26, 2024 | SpaceFromSpace
A declassified KH-9 Keyhole satellite image of Wallops Island Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport and the surrounding area from 1972.
A medium resolution Umbra synthetic aperture radar satellite image of Kennedy Space Center. | SpaceFromSpace
A high resolution black and white satellite image of Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center.
A declassified spy satellite image of Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral.
A very high resolution Umbra synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite image of the Launch and Landing Facility at Kennedy Space Center. | SpaceFromSpace
A high resolution declassified KH-9 spy satellite image of San Jose, California in color from April 1979
A black and white medium resolution optical satellite image showing Space Shuttle Discovery on Launch Complex 39B (LC-39B) ahead of the STS-121 mission. | SpaceFromSpace
Historic aerial image of the site where NASA's Stennis Space Center would be constructed.
A very high resolution Umbra synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite image of Launch Complex 39A and 39B at Kennedy Space Center. | SpaceFromSpace
A high resolution Umbra synthetic aperture radar satellite image of NASA's Vehicle Assembly Building at Kennedy Space Center. | SpaceFromSpace